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EncrytMoney Encryption Currency Bitcoin Tools Suite bitcoin and cryptocurrency tickers and tools.

Bitcoin Prices


Realtime data View Category

Block Eta

Estimated time until the next block (in seconds)

Realtime data

Average transaction number

Average number of transactions per block

Realtime data

Average transaction size

Average transaction size for the past 1000 blocks

Realtime data

Average transaction value

Average transaction value for the past 1000 blocks

Realtime data

Block Count

Current block height in the longest chain

Realtime data

Block Interval

Average time between blocks in seconds

Realtime data

Block Probability

Probability of finding a valid block each hash attempt

Realtime data

Block Reward

Current block reward in BTC

Realtime data

Hashes To Win

Average number of hash attempts needed to solve a block

Realtime data

Latest Hash

Hash of the latest block

Realtime data

Mining Difficulty

Current difficulty target as a decimal number

Realtime data

Next Retarget

Block height of the next difficulty retarget

Realtime data

Total BTC

Total Bitcoins in circulation (delayed by up to 1 hour)

Realtime data

Hash tools View Category

Pubkey To Address

Converts a public key to an Address

Hash tools

Address To Hash

Converts a bitcoin address to a hash 160

Hash tools

Hash To Address

Converts a hash 160 to a bitcoin address

Hash tools

Pubkey To Hash

Converts a public key to a hash 160

Hash tools

Address To Pubkey

Converts an address to public key (if available)

Hash tools

Address lookups View Category

Address Balance

Get the balance of an address

Address lookups

Address First Seen

Timestamp of the block an address was first confirmed in.

Address lookups

Address Sent

Get the total number of bitcoins send by an address

Address lookups

Address Received

Get the total number of bitcoins received by an address.

Address lookups

Transaction lookups View Category

Transaction Fee

Get fee included in a transaction

Transaction lookups

Transaction BTC Input

Get total input value of a transaction

Transaction lookups

Transaction BTC Output

Get total output value of a transaction

Transaction lookups
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